Bodybuilding | A Beginner’s Guide

By Summer Banks FNS, SPT

The Beginning Bodybuilder’s Guide

Bodybuilding involves using resistance exercises to increase your strength. Over time, these types of exercises will usually cause muscles to become larger. While these exercises are important, it’s also crucial to eat correctly to build muscle. Your muscles need adequate protein and calories to grow. The diet to follow when bodybuilding is different from a standard weight loss program because you need sufficient calories to build muscle.


Bodybuilding Basics

To begin a bodybuilding routine, you will need athletic shoes, comfortable workout clothing, a water bottle, and perhaps a towel. It’s best to start a new routine slowly so you don’t suffer injuries. Working with a coach is a good idea because you can get tips and suggestions for good exercises that will work for you. Getting results from bodybuilding takes time. Don’t expect to see drastic changes within a few days or even a week or two. Plan to engage in regular weightlifting sessions over the long term to build muscles.

  • I Wanna Be a Bodybuilder: Bodybuilding requires sticking to a schedule of weightlifting over time to see results. As you lift, watch how your muscles respond to determine what works for you.
  • Bodybuilding Program (PDF): This bodybuilding workout schedule involves lifting free weights four times a week to target the back, chest, shoulders, core, legs, and arms.
  • Bodybuilding Methods and Traditions: Part I: Bodybuilders have used a number of methods for building muscle. Muscles need specific movements to add mass, but they also need adequate rest to repair and recover.
  • The Personal Training System (PDF): Setting goals is an important step for anyone embarking on a bodybuilding program. A goal of reducing overall body fat or increasing muscle will help you focus your efforts and measure your results.
  • The ABCs of Bodybuilding (PDF): One method of bodybuilding involves focusing on a single muscle group during a workout. This method uses muscles and also allows them adequate rest.
  • Body Composition Basics (PDF): Building muscle requires consumption of more calories, which will result in increased muscle mass when you perform exercises that use specific muscles.
  • Typical Mistakes in a Bodybuilding Training Routine (PDF): Someone embarking on a bodybuilding program may make typical mistakes such as trying to lift too much too quickly and performing too many lifts that isolate specific muscles.
  • Bodybuilding for Beginners (PDF): A bodybuilding professional recommends that people avoid listening to music when they lift weights because an upbeat music tempo may interfere with the mental state needed to lift weights.
  • Weightlifting 101: The Definitive Guide to Weightlifting: Lifting weights makes you stronger, builds muscle, burns fat, and helps make you healthier.
Diet Tips

Diet Tips for Bodybuilding

Pay attention to your diet to get the most results from bodybuilding. You need to make sure you eat enough calories of the right kinds of foods for the best results. You will need carbohydrates for fuel to give you the energy you need to lift. You will also need to eat about 500 extra calories every day if you want to gain about one pound of muscle every week. This probably entails about 10 to 14 extra grams of protein every day, which you can get by just adding an extra 2 ounces of chicken to your plate.

Safety Guidelines

Bodybuilding Safety Guidelines

Lifting weights can be dangerous if you don’t follow safety guidelines and rules. One of the most important rules for lifting weights is to always have another person with you while you lift. This person can help spot you while you perform the repetitions, which means that the person will help you if you get into trouble and can’t complete the movement. It’s also very important to have a full understanding of equipment before you use it to avoid injuries.

About the Author:

Summer Banks has researched over 5000 weight-loss programs, pills, shakes and diet plans. Previously, she managed 15 supplement brands, worked with professionals in the weight loss industry and completed coursework in nutrition at Stanford University.