What is Ketosis | Signs of Ketosis and How to Achieve Ketosis
Define ketosis. “Cut the carbs and lose the weight.” Not exactly, but that’s the marketing plan of the newest keto foods, drinks and supplements. But is it truthful?
The Keto Diet has been popular for decades and you’ve heard successful weight-loss stories. But, many people don’t know – how long does it take to get into ketosis?
Want to learn – how does ketosis work? Let’s find out!
What is Ketosis?
Ketosis is the metabolic state where the body uses fat instead of carbohydrates for fuel. When the body lacks enough carbs, typically glucose, it burns stored fat. The byproducts of the burned fat lead to the formation of fatty acids known as ketones.
What is the Ketogenic Diet?
What does a ketogenic diet do? A ketogenic diet is similar to a low-carb diet or even a very-low-carb diet. You’ll balance your keto macros by eating more fat vs. carbs or protein. If followed correctly, a ketogenic diet puts the body into ketosis.
Reducing carbs allows your body to use fat as fuel. A ketogenic diet is similar to the Atkins Diet; one of the leading low carb diet plans. One of the main similarities is reducing the number of carbs eaten for a given day.
When following a low-carb or keto diet, tracking macros is important – so, weight-loss apps like Noom are ideal to help you stick with your program long enough to lose weight.
How to Get into Ketosis?
How long does it take to get into ketosis? There’s no research showing the exact amount of time it takes to get your body into ketosis. However, you can get your body into ketosis by following a ketogenic diet. While challenging, it’s one of the more natural ways to put your body into ketosis.
Cells depend on glucose or sugars for energy. Though the body can utilize fat as energy, it preferentially uses glucose as it is more efficient. Whereas, fat is most efficient only in the absence of glucose.
Other ways of how to get into ketosis include increasing physical activities, eating keto-approved foods or by taking exogenous ketones supplements such as Keto OS.
What is Keto Induction?
Keto induction depends on a variety of factors – keto diet foods like those available from Perfect Keto, type of exogenous ketones supplements used such as Keto Kreme, exercise and commitment.
For some following a keto diet, getting into ketosis happens within seven days. However, the process of getting your body into ketosis could take more than two weeks.
How Many Carbs For Ketosis?
The amount of carbs for ketosis varies. Some research shows keto diet plans tell you to eat fewer than 20 g of carbs per day. Other keto meal plans state to eat fewer than 50 g of carbs per day.
According to a review articles on NCBI, however, the researchers concluded that restricting to less than 50g carbs/day is unnecessary though more studies are needed to delineate the minimum levels of ketosis and appropriate level of carb restriction.
The total carb intake is critical to the success of the keto diet. Without sufficient fat, you won’t make it into ketosis for optimal effects. If you’re working on lowering carb intake, try an app like Noom to help you with food and nutrition tracking.
Is Ketosis Healthy?
As NCBI reports, a keto diet plan resulting in ketosis is a healthy alternative to traditional eating habits, including ones containing high carbohydrates and unhealthy fats. Another benefit of ketosis is the inclusion of healthy fats from nuts, coconuts or avocados.
Some dieters claim they improve overall health and wellness. People are stating that they experience appetite suppression. However, the research doesn’t fully support the claims, NCBI states.
It seems counter-intuitive, however, as complex carbs are more filling than fats, given equal serving size. For example, 100 calories are roughly 25 strawberries or an entire 16oz pack of spinach, vs. less than 1 tbsp of olive oil.
Increasing the portion of fat to take up the same amount of space as 25 strawberries or a bag of spinach would be associated with a considerable increase in calories, which would like mean weight gain.
What are the Benefits of Ketosis?
A ketogenic lifestyle is adopted by abandoning your daily eating routine and adopting a ketogenic diet.
Why the ketogenic diet is considered a lifestyle is because some people make ketosis a long-term change. They find it realistic and healthy as it involves enjoying good food without feeling starved. term for some dieters.
The Difference Between Ketosis and Ketoacidosis
Ketosis is when the body is making ketone bodies. According to NCBI, however, ketoacidosis is when ketone levels are higher than usual. The condition is potentially dangerous.
Keto Weight Loss
Ketosis and weight loss are friends, for sure. When the body no longer has carbohydrates for fuel, it turns to fat. That’s great for weight loss, but why does this happen? Well, it takes more calories to convert fat to fuel, so you not only use those extra pounds for energy, but it takes more calories to do it. Win-win every time!
Keto Fasting
Keto fasting is similar to intermittent fastings, such as the 5-2 Diet. During a given time, you’re “starving” your body of something. Typically, it’s carbohydrates. By doing keto fasting, you’ll put your body into nutritional ketosis. But, there are several factors to consider when keto fasting:
- Metabolism
- Rate of calorie burn
- Type of exercise
- Foods you eat before and after keto fasting
If you’re looking for fasting to work for weight loss, you may want to pick up a weight-loss app like Noomfor tracking your nutritional intake.
Ketosis and the Body
Ketosis has a profound effect on your body. Below are a few instances of what happens when you get into ketosis.
Once your body is in ketosis, adding exercise if beneficial to keeping you in ketosis. But what is the best exercise for ketosis?
There are four:
- Aerobic exercise – low-intensity exercises
- Anaerobic exercise – weight training or high-intensity interval training (HIIT)
- Flexibility exercise – stretching and mobility exercises
- Stability exercise – core training and balance exercises
When your body is in ketosis, it uses fat as fuel (low intensity). Since high-intensity exercises tend to use carbs first, you may need to adjust your diet accordingly.
There are health benefits of exercise when your body is in ketosis:
- Increased fat burning
- Replenished muscle glycogen
- Blood glucose maintenance during exercise
Experts once thought ketosis was hard on the body, especially the kidneys. But, ketosis can occur naturally and there’s a chance that your urine could contain trace amounts of ketones, even if you’re not following a keto diet.
Brain Function
When your body goes into ketosis, it releases fatty acids, including omega-3 and omega-6. Both show promise in improving cognitive function.
Is Ketosis Dangerous? Is Ketosis Safe?
The dangers of ketosis are tricky. Every person is different and some people respond well to a keto diet and ketosis. However, others feel the side effects are too strong. Medical conditions and medications can also play a part in whether ketosis is dangerous or not.
There is no simple answer to the question, “Is ketosis safe?” All should consult a physician when considering significant dietary changes, including starting a ketogenic diet.
Testing Blood Ketone Levels
According to MedlinePlus, you’ll use ketone sticks to check to see if your ketone levels are within acceptable levels. If your ketone levels are low, your body isn’t in ketosis.
For those having trouble getting a positive test for elevated blood ketones, maybe you’re eating too many carbs or too much protein. Ideally, track your macros with Noom to ensure you’re on the right track.
What are Ketosis Side Effects?
As NCBI reports, the side effects of ketosis are relative to individuals. However, some of the most noticeable side effects include:
- Ketosis breath
- Keto flu
- Headache
Keto Breath
As NCBI claims, one of the rarely talked about side effects of ketosis is bad breath, also known as keto breath. The three ketones responsible are acetone, beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate. This is a good indicator that your body is in ketosis.
Keto Flu
According to NCBI, ketosis flu or keto flu are symptoms experienced when you start the ketogenic diet. Although not contagious, there’s a chance you’ll experience symptoms similar to the flu. It can last from days to weeks and is characterized by fatigue, cough, headache and nausea.
Low-Carb Headache
When the body is adapting to ketosis, there’s a chance you’ll experience a low-carb headache. This is a symptom of the keto flu.
Keto Diet Plan
A keto diet plan uses keto-approved foods. Specifically, keto macros. Keto macros are the ratio of fats to protein to carbs. The three keto macros or macronutrients include:
- Carbohydrates
- Fats
- Proteins
The keto macros in some popular low carb and ketogenic diets include:
- Atkins 20 – 20g of net carbs per day
- Atkins 40 – 40g of net carbs per day
- Keto Diet – 60-75 percent from fat, 15-30 percent from protein and 5-10 percent from carbohydrates
Tips and Tricks for the Ketosis Diet
It’s always nice to have some helpful tips and tricks while following the ketosis diet. Some beneficial tools include:
- Ketone sticks – test urine to determine how your body is responding to the keto diet or if you have achieved ketosis
- Drinks – keto drinks such as Ketone.io, supply dietary ketones to help your body stay in ketosis
- Recipes – keto recipes contain a mix of protein, low-carbohydrate and healthy-fat foods.
With an extensive food database managed by nutritionists, you’ll find the best nutritional tracking for foods and recipes with the weight-loss app Noom.
Ketosis Vs. Paleo
Ketosis focuses on following the ketogenic diet and keeping keto macros inline. However, Paleo incorporates a balanced approach to macronutrients.
Ketosis Vs. Keto Diet
Ketosis is a process where the body utilizes fats as a source of energy. However, the keto diet uses keto-approved foods helping put your body into ketosis.
Ketosis Diet Results
As NCBI claims, ketosis diet results vary from person to person. While some research shows people losing weight, there’s no guarantee.
What Users Are Saying
“So I lost 25 pounds within 2 months on Keto, and had precisely zero of those symptoms you clutched your pearls over. When you get older, son, you’ll realize that exercise stops burning off all the calories in its own. It works, unlike other diets it is easy to follow and to sustain, and you aren’t even hungry during it. Just smash meat and cheese and salad. I got back to the weight I wanted, then I gradually added some carbs back in and reduced the fat intake, and everything is stable. You can get all mad and stuff, but I dont argue with results.”
“Yes Keto Is a Fad Diet, that may have short term results, but could have dire long term consequences. I would simply eat a balance diet, and low consumption of package, junk, and fast food.”
“Consuming cheese and butter is encouraged when you’re living the Keto lifestyle. In fact, cheese is considered a perfect keto food as it is low in carbs and high in fat. The protein count in cheese is moderate which makes it a healthy keto-friendly option. Butter is also perfect for keto since it is a zero-carb, high-fat (as much as 80%) food item. Add to coffee in place of cream and the taste is amazing.”
The Bottom Line on Ketosis
Putting your body into ketosis is a challenge for some. But, when you make it into ketosis, there’s a chance you’ll see weight loss.
But, there are some essential facts to remember.
- Pay close attention to keto macros and keep the percentage of fat higher than protein and carbs.
- Use healthy fats such as coconut oil, avocado oil and olive oil instead of highly saturated oils.
- Drink more water because water improves overall health and wellness.
For some, getting your body into ketosis is the secret to weight loss. For others, it is a fad that never quite works. The debate will likely go on for years to come.
Summer Banks has researched over 5000 weight-loss programs, pills, shakes and diet plans. Previously, she managed 15 supplement brands, worked with professionals in the weight loss industry and completed coursework in nutrition at Stanford University.