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Acxion Review - 11 Things You Need to Know

Within the dynamic landscape of weight loss solutions, Acxion stands out as a name that’s on everyone’s lips. Its acclaim echoes through the halls of high-end fitness centers and spreads across the digital chatter of social media. Acxion has swiftly ascended to the spotlight, but beneath the buzz, what is the substance of this drug that pledges to pare down pounds? Is Acxion the elusive key to weight management, or merely a transient fad amidst a plethora of diet aids? Join us as we delve into the narrative, the scientific underpinnings, and the enigmatic aspects of Acxion

As a potent appetite suppressant with phentermine as its core, Acxion boasts of its ability to reign in hunger pangs by acting upon the central nervous system. Acxion’s reputation predominates in Mexico, where it’s recognized as a significant aid in the battle against excess weight—a battle that many are eager to wage. In an age where the pursuit of slimming aids is relentless, Acxion’s claim to suppress the appetite has made it an object of intense desire.

Our researchers dug deeper and found that Acxion is usually prescribed to overweight patients. We examined everything drug to get the full picture, then summarized all the prescription info to give you the bottom line on this supplement.

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What is Acxion?

What is Acxion

Acxion is a prescription pill for weight loss that features phentermine as its primary ingredient. Essentially, it is the European version of phentermine. The drug’s idea is to suppress appetite, which leads to less eating, and invariably, losing weight.

  • LiverTox – Phentermine is one of the longest-prescribed weight-loss options available today with 50 years on the market.
  • Journal of the American Medical Association – In the US, phentermine is added to other ingredients, like topiramate, for “long-term obesity treatment,” but that doesn’t appear to be the case with Acxion.
  • Korean Journal of Family Medicine – There’s also the potential adverse events to consider when choosing an amphetamine or super stimulant like phentermine.

It is not an over-the-counter drug – you have to get a prescription from a certified doctor to use it. If you’re already buff and looking for a way to look ‘buffer’, this drug might not be for you.

If you, however, decide to use it nonetheless, you might be risking serious medical complications. Acxion was designed to help people who are ‘medically’ overweight with associating problems to lose weight by suppressing their hunger, forcing them to eat less.

It is imperative to note that Acxion is in no way a one-hit fix. It is suggested that anyone taking Acxion would need to make certain life changes, like follow a prescribed regular workout routine and make significant changes to their diet, making sure to stay away from excess sugars, fats, and calories.

Also, Acxion should be used for a fixed period and not long term.

Acxion Competitors

Ozempic Weight Loss
Belviq Weight Loss
Company Info

How Did Acxion Get Started?

Acxion is a Mexican brand of phentermine weight loss pills by IFA Celtics, a Mexican pharmaceutical company. The medication was created to help obese individuals lose weight.


Acxion Ingredients Responsible for Weight Loss

Phentermine hydrochloride is the only active ingredient in Acxion. The medication is available in two different strengths – 15mg tablets designed for immediate release, and 30mg extended release tablets. User instructions recommend taking 15-37mg of Acxion every morning before or up to two hours after breakfast. While the 15mg dose is convenient as a single pill, accurately measuring out the higher 37mg dosage would be difficult without splitting or combining tablets.

Acxion works by containing phentermine, which stimulates the hypothalamus in the brain to secrete dopamine and norepinephrine. These hormones induce feelings of fullness and satisfaction, leading to decreased food consumption and subsequent weight loss. By boosting levels of these neurotransmitters, phentermine may also elevate metabolic rate to facilitate fat burning.

The primary agent in Acxion responsible for its appetite suppressing effects is phentermine alone. Unlike other weight management supplements on the market, Acxion does not combine phentermine with other inactive ingredients to lessen its potency. It works by targeting a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. This stimulation affects the central nervous system, which helps to reduce hunger and assist in weight loss.

What is Phentermine?

Phentermine is a chemical stimulant that works in the same way that amphetamines works. It stimulates neurons in the brain, causing them to release neurotransmitters.

This stimulates the central nervous system and alters certain functions positively. This is the reason phentermine is known to act as an appetite suppressant.

It modifies the user’s craving for food, making them eat less than they usually would. Drugs containing phentermine, like Acxion, are typically prescribed to overweight and obese people who can’t lose weight through the usual, non-chemical methods like workouts and dieting.

According to the National Institutes of Health, a potential user should know that drugs containing phentermine should not be used with any other medication except as expressly prescribed by a doctor.

It first entered the market under the Fen-Phen combination in 1959. It was still banned in 1997 because of its components, fenfluramine, based on information in Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety.

However, sometime in 2012, it found its way back into the market, this time in a different combination approved in the United States of America.


Acxion Contraindications: Safety First

Acxion AP has been referred to as an anorexigenic drug, which means that it may help people lose weight.

While this could be an excellent drug for people that have been unsuccessfully trying to lose a lot of weight, according to the company, the following people should not use it:

  • Those who are allergic to phentermine.
  • Anyone allergic to other diet pills and/or stimulants will probably be allergic to Acxion.

How to Take Acxion: Directions

How to Take Acxion

So, the first important thing is to define who needs it. We have already settled that the person who might need to be prescribed Acxion pills is overweight or obese and who have tried to lose weight and hasn’t.

Next, you have to get a prescription from your doctor; it cannot be sold without one. Your healthcare provider is the ideal person to decide whether you should be on Acxion, regardless of whether you fit the ideal user profile. He should also tell you how long you should take the medication.

Now, remember that the Acxion medication doesn’t work by itself – it has to be coupled with regular physical activity and a strict diet. A certified fitness instructor and nutritionist should also prescribe both the workout routine and the diet.

You need a prescription to keep you from dealing with the adverse side effects of Acxion.

Acxion is usually taken once a day, but your doctor’s dosage could be readjusted depending on your response to therapy or medical condition. Make sure you take the drugs exactly as prescribed by your doctor, do not take any more.

If the drugs don’t seem to be working for some reason, you should talk to your doctor to find out what to do. Taking more does not make them work better or faster. Chewing the drugs is not recommended, as it pushes them into the system too quickly.

Because phentermine has the potential of causing sleep issues, you should take them way before bedtime and store it at room temperature. Acxion is to be used by people who have a BMI of 30 or higher.

According to the packaging, if you forget to take a dose, two things can be done: you could take it when you remember or skip it and take the next one. Never take two doses at once to make up for a dose you missed. Also, do not take Acxion diet pills with other appetite suppressants; the results can be severe.
Consumption of alcohol could intensify the side effects. It is not prudent to engage in any activity that requires alertness and focused attention until the drug’s initial effects wear off.

Acxion is a stimulant, similar to an amphetamine.

Side Effects

Acxion Side Effects Based on Research

Information published in StatPearls claims, the side effects could be mild, in which case, a user might experience dizziness, mild headache, diarrhea, and possible trouble sleeping. But when they are severe, effects could be as follows:

  • Confusion
  • Severe headache
  • Shortness of breath
  • Blurry vision
  • Stomach issues

However, the company states that if you begin to experience severe side effects, seek immediate medical attention.

Weight Loss

Acxion and Weight Loss: A Proven Connection?

Acxion and Weight Loss

Weight loss and Acxion aren’t precisely directly related. Taking Acxion will not automatically lead to weight loss, and taking Acxion alone doesn’t work. What happens is that the pills conditions you to eat less, but the main ingredient also works on the brain as a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, so more of this mood-altering hormone stays present in mind, according to Integrative Medicine.

Your eating less, coupled with a strict diet and workout routine, leads to weight loss. This is why no good doctor will prescribe just Acxion alone as a complete weight loss method. This supplement is recommended for obese people with a BMI of 30 or higher.

Though research into the impact of taking phentermine long-term shows no increased risk of cardiovascular health problems, at least according to the journal Obesity, doctors still tend to err on the side of caution and prescribe the drug for as short a duration as possible to reach clinically significant weight loss.

Where to Buy

Cost and Where to Buy Acxion

Acxion is reportedly manufactured in Germany and exported to Mexico. Their website is also based in Mexico. You can contact customer service through an online contact form on their website or by dialing the following numbers 01800 7199 604 and 01800 7199 605. Because Acxion is a prescription drug, it is not exactly sold at every store. Additionally, since it is a prescription medication, the cost for the capsules may be different for everyone.

One retail website for pharmaceuticals lists Acxion 15mg 30tabs for $66.89, 30mg 30 tabs for $115.50, Acxion AP 30mg 30 tabs for $132.99 and Acxion C 30mg 30 tabs for $115.50.

In the United States, an Acxion prescription is not readily available. Acxion is increasingly being sold on different online platforms, but it is certainly not legal, and its use can be hazardous. Additionally, its prescription status means it is usually not associated with any refund policies.


Acxion Drug Interactions

There are some medications or chemical compounds that Acxion can have an interaction with. If you’ve taken any within the year, you should tell your doctor when asking for a prescription.

Caffeine, chocolate, and chocolate-based products should be taken in moderation or taken in reduced quantities, as they could also lead to interactions.


Acxion Alternatives to Consider

There are all sorts of weight loss and appetite suppressants on the market besides Acxion. Some of them include:


It is a fiber found in the roots of Elephant yam. So when you take it in, it absorbs water and becomes gel-like. According to the British Journal of Nutrition, this creates a sense of fullness, which helps cut down your food intake. It has been proven to work not just for weight loss but for other health purposes.

However, its primary function is to serve as an emulsifier and thickener in food. Like Acxion, it has to be combined with a proper diet to help with weight loss.


Meratrim (a blend of two herbs: Sphaeranthus Indicus and Garcinia Mangostana) is a pill that is supposed to make it harder for fat cells to multiply and help burn stored fat.

A single test carried out shows that the drug works, without side effects, but that is still not certain. Though Meratrim and Acxion both aim to help with weight loss, they attack the problem in different ways.

Meratrim is a fat-burning pill, according to Lipids in Health and Disease, while Acxion is an appetite-suppressant. The results of Meratrim are supposed to begin to show within two weeks.


PhenQ is a relatively new weight loss pill that works in the same way that Acxion does, but with added functions. While Acxion is restricted to just suppressing appetite, PhenQ doesn’t stop there. It goes further to burn stored fat, block fat production, and improve mood and energy levels.

PhenQ claims to have a secret ingredient that makes it better than other weight loss pills. PhenQ has some of the same side effects that Acxion has, including sleep issues, nausea, jitters, and headache.

Bottom Line

The Bottom Line on Acxion

Acxion is a weight loss medication helping people lose weight. While beneficial to some, others mention side effects. There’s even research connecting the main ingredient, to side effects. Remember, there’s always an alternative.

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What is Acxion?

Acxion is a phentermine-based pill sold as a prescription medication in Mexico. Along with a doctor-approved plan of diet, exercise, and behavioral changes, Acxion is supposed to help you lose weight.

How does Acxion work?

Acxion works as an appetite suppressant by modifying the user’s craving for food, making them eat less than they usually would.

Who can use Acxion?

Acxion is usually prescribed to overweight patients who have tried non-chemical methods like workouts and dieting to lose weight but failed.

What are the side effects of Acxion?

Common side effects of Acxion may include headache, dry mouth, stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation, and dizziness.

What is in Acxion?

Acxion ingredients include Phentermine Hydrochloride.

What is the primary ingredient in Acxion?

Phentermine is the only active ingredient in Acxion, specifically phentermine hydrochloride.

Does Acxion work?

There’s research showing Acxion helps with weight-loss. Unfortunately, the studies centered on obese patients and a limited amount of participants. Also, the medication is only intended for short-term use.

How much does a bottle of Acxion cost?

A bottle of Acxion costs about $110.

How should Acxion be taken?

Acxion should be taken as prescribed by a doctor, usually once a day, and should be coupled with regular physical activity and a strict diet.

Who makes Acxion?

Acxion is a Mexican brand of phentermine weight loss pills by IFA Celtics, a Mexican pharmaceutical company.

  Where can I buy Acxion?

You cannot buy this over the counter. It requires a prescription.

Can I buy Acxion in the United States?

Yes, you can buy Acxion in the United States. Some third-party companies sell the medication.

Does Acxion come with a guarantee?

There’s no mention of a guarantee with Acxion.

When to take Acxion pills?

Keep in mind that the instructions for these pills are in Spanish. If are unable to understand Spanish, the directions essentially state that you should take these pills one half hour to an hour before you eat breakfast or lunch. You should also not take Acxion after 6pm.

What is phentermine?

Phentermine is a chemical stimulant that works as an appetite suppressant and is used to help overweight and obese people lose weight.

What is Acxion Fentermina?

Acxion, also known as Acxion Fentermina, is a prescription weight-loss pill that claims to help reduce BMI and overall body fat.

What does Acxion do?

Acxion is designed to help individuals with weight-related medical issues lose weight and burn fat faster.

What is Acxion used for?

Acxion is a prescription medication that is used by doctors to help patients lose weight faster. It is usually used to help obese and overweight individuals.

Why is Acxion illegal?

Due to its potential side effects, phentermine is considered a controlled substance in the United States. Although Acxion is not available in the US, other medications containing the ingredient are still available.

Are Acxion pills dangerous?

Acxion pills are not considered dangerous, but they could lead to a number of negative side effects, which is why it is only available through a prescribing doctor.

Is Acxion FDA approved?

Acxion is not an FDA-approved medication.

How long does Acxion last?

The effects of Acxion should be felt in as little as a few hours. It can stay in the body for up to four days, though individuals who have been continuously consuming the medication may have phentermine in their system for longer.

What side effects are there with Acxion?

Some of the potential side effects of Acxion include nausea, restlessness, dry mouth, increased heart rate, and constipation.

How much does Acxion pills cost?

Since Acxion is a prescription medication, the cost will depend on the insurance plan.

Where to buy Acxion?

Acxion is only available through a prescription, so individuals will need to see a medical professional in order to get the medication.

Is Acxion available over-the-counter?

No, Acxion is not available over-the-counter, you have to get a prescription from a certified doctor to use it.

I’m looking for the generic name of Acxion in Mexico?

Since Acxion is just a prescription name for phentermine, the generic version of the medication may be sold under the name Phentermine.

71 years old, can I take Acxion?

It may be best to consult with a medical professional about the age requirements for Acxion.

What are the side effects of Acxion?

Acxion can cause a variety of side effects, such as headaches, dizziness, dry mouth, nausea, constipation, trembling or shaking of the hands or feet, insomnia, anxiety, and fatigue. It is important to talk to your doctor before taking Acxion if you experience any of these side effects.

Is Acxion a one-hit fix?

No, Acxion is not a one-hit fix. It is suggested that anyone taking Acxion would need to make certain life changes, like following a prescribed regular workout routine and making significant changes to their diet.

What are the contraindications for Acxion?

Those who are allergic to phentermine and anyone allergic to other diet pills and/or stimulants should not use Acxion.

How did Acxion get started?

Acxion is a Mexican brand of phentermine weight loss pills by IFA Celtics, a Mexican pharmaceutical company, created to help obese individuals lose weight.

Can Acxion be used long-term?

No, Acxion is generally prescribed for short-term use, often a few weeks, to complement a weight-loss regimen. Extended use can lead to potential side effects and reduced efficacy.

Can I take Acxion with other medications?

It is essential to consult your physician before combining Acxion with any other medications, as it may interact with other drugs or supplements.

What should I do if I miss a dose of Acxion?

If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. However, if it’s close to the time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and continue with your regular schedule. Never take double doses.

Is it safe to consume alcohol while taking Acxion?

Alcohol may intensify some side effects of Acxion. It’s advisable to discuss with your healthcare provider before consuming alcohol during treatment.

How should I store Acxion?

Acxion should be stored at room temperature, away from moisture and heat, and out of the reach of children.

Are there any dietary restrictions while using Acxion?

Patients are usually advised to follow a low-calorie diet while taking Acxion. It’s also important to avoid foods and drinks high in caffeine, as they can exacerbate side effects.

Can pregnant or breastfeeding mothers take Acxion?

Acxion is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women. If you become pregnant while taking Acxion, contact your doctor immediately.

Can Acxion cause addiction or dependency?

Phentermine, the main ingredient in Acxion, is a controlled substance and has the potential for abuse. It’s important to take it exactly as prescribed and not to share it with others.

Are there any precautions for elderly patients using Acxion?

Elderly patients may be more sensitive to the side effects of Acxion. It’s essential to start with a lower dose and monitor closely under a doctor’s guidance.

How will I know if Acxion is working for me?

While individual results vary, most users should experience a decrease in appetite and an increase in energy. Monitoring weight loss and consulting with a healthcare provider will provide insight into the medication’s effectiveness.

What are some of the potential benefits of taking Acxion?

There are a few key benefits that can potentially result from taking Acxion:

Weight Loss – As an appetite suppressant, Acxion reduces cravings and calorie intake, which can lead to steady weight loss over time.
Mood Enhancement – By stimulating the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine, some users report Acxion providing a mood-boosting effect and feelings of happiness or satisfaction.
Increased Energy – The potential rise in metabolic rate and neurotransmitter activity may give some individuals higher energy levels during the period they are taking Acxion.

How exactly does Acxion help with weight loss?

Acxion aims to help with weight loss through suppressing appetite. By activating the hypothalamus and increasing levels of dopamine and norepinephrine, it induces feelings of fullness after eating less food. This curbs further food cravings and consumption of excess calories. Over time, the reduction in daily calorie intake leads to fat burning and steady weight being lost.

Are there any other potential benefits?

The key benefits noted in the information provided are weight loss, mood enhancement through neurotransmitter stimulation, and increased energy for some individuals. Acxion’s appetite suppression is its primary mechanism aimed at aiding weight management goals.

224 Acxion Reviews

  • I have the product
    Your Name (Verified Purchase)

    Yo tengo pastillas a 50 lq caja



      • melisa

        A Cuanto?

      • Your Name

        Tenes mas Acxion . Quero compared Los pastillas

    • Your Name

      En donde vives

  • lilly

    I took phentermine in 2014 for 15 days and lost about 15 pounds. This gave me the energy and motivation to exercise and eat better. After 5 months, I had lost 35 pounds. I kept them off until a few months ago, when I started making bad food choices and stopped working out. I just got Acxion 30mg from a friend that came from Cancun (purchase price was $22) and started taking them 4 days ago. No side effects, no jittery feeling. Not craving snacks. I am craving healthy fresh food though. I have lost 6 pounds so far.

  • One a day
    Your Name

    One a day

  • I purchased a box of 30 pills@25$


    • gersi

      En q parte de usa vives amiga..

      • Your Name

        En Texas

    • IRAM

      yo vivo en juarez, aqui las consigo muy facil amiga si te interesa mandame mensaje a $50 dlls la caja ya enviada..

      • Your Name

        mi hermana vive en juarez y nome pudo enviar las pastillas ni con la receta como la ases me interesan mucho

      • Betina

        Me podria contactar Porfavor estoy interesada

      • Your Name

        Hola! Aun consigues las pastillas?

      • Pati

        Yo tambien estoy interesada. Do de las venden

    • Your Name

      Estas pastillas no las Encuentras en USA solamente en MEXICO en cual quier farmasia

  • These pills work amazingly.
    Patty (Verified Purchase)

    I have been taking this medicine for 3 weeks. I have lost 13 pounds so far. You have to change the way you eat and cut out foods you usually would eat.
    The 1st week I didn’t eat at all. That is bad, I had to force myself to eat because I was light headed and felt very weak. I had a lot of energy and serious dry mouth. My heart felt like it was racing for the first week also but now at 3 weeks it is fine. I do get hungry but again I eat healthy food and ONLY drink water. I have not worked out or anything so far yet I have lost 13 pounds. These pills work amazingly.
    I bought mine when visiting Progresso Mexico. The cheapest I found was $20 for a month supply of 30 pills. You only take them one daily in the morning!

    • Den

      On an empty stomach??

  • I lost 4lbs in 5days good stuff
    Your Name (Verified Purchase)

    5Days I lost 4lbs good stuff

    • Your Name

      where did you get them from can you post a pic of the bottle or case

      • Kristal

        I got mine in nogales/mexico there more cheaper over tweet 30 pills de $50-60

    • Kay

      Can you tell me who to contact or where to go to buy these? Needing to lose 50 lbs.

  • I lost 3lbs and feeling side effects.
    Lucy (Verified Purchase)

    I bought these pill in Juarez, Mexico for $30 & started using them on 03/26/2015. Ive only been using them for three days. However, so far ive lost 3 lbs. The side effects are dry mouth, and I did get constipated the first day. Ive been drinking a tons of water which makes me feel a little bloaded and pee a lot. Almost a gallon every day. I have to force myself to eat because these pills literally take ur hunger away. I do recommend u still eat ur three meals of the day. I can now eat small portions of my meals because I feel full right away. I have a lot of energy and Ive been doing at least an hour of cardio. I do recommend these pills. My weight was 170lbs when i started. Im now 167lbs in just 3 days. My goal is my original weight of 140 lbs. Good luck to everyone and I hope my comment helps u a little.

    • Jay

      Lucy,I’m writing this comment on May 5th 2015 how is the pill working for you so far???

    • ariz

      When do you take the acxion pills before eating breakfast or lunch

      • Adrian (Editor)

        Hello Ariz. For detailed product instructions please refer to the official acxion website for more information.

    • Dino

      lucy can u tell me where to buy this pill! thanks dino

  • Acxion

    in need of this pills asap anyone no where to get them in Houston?

    • Stephen (Editor)

      Hi, Claudia. If you’re having trouble finding in we’ve listed contact info in the Q&A section.

  • Acxion
    Maria De leon (Verified Purchase)

    for me is the best thing i have taken to lose weight it works better then the one they sell in the USA …i goy my pills mexicali BC for $30….it gives you a lot energy and yes you drink a lot of water

    • Your Name

      i only rated 5 stars so everyone can see. THESE PILLS CAN KILL YOU. DO NOT TAKE THEM. if you start getting headaches do not hesitate to go to the doctors. These pills are not safe they kill. They have before.

      • Nancy

        What was your experience with this product ? I been taking them and i lost weight but recently i started having insomia and my eyes started getting yellow

        • Taylor Izzo

          Hi Nancy,

          If you are experiencing these side effects, please contact your physician!

    • Jamie Ortiz

      Do you need a Prescription to purchase it in Mexicali?

  • Fell free to ask any questions
    Lucy (Verified Purchase)

    I’ve taken the pills on and off for a few months. I live in Texas near the border so I am able to get them. There about $22 US dollars. I’m not considered obese, weighed around 170. I currently weigh 140. Lost the weight average 5 months. I don’t exercise . I do believe pills work. Although at first they cause very bad dry mouth (cotton mouth) and a fast heart beat. For like the first month. After some time, i no longer get the feeling. I randomly just get bad headaches. They kill your hunger. I do not take them everyday, since my body got used to not eating so much, so I don’t. If you have any questions feel free to ask

    • Your Name

      Did this effect yo
      ur menstrual cycle or period at all? .

    • Alexa

      Are you still able to get Acxion! If so, please send me an email. Very interested! Thank you!!

    • Dreaa

      Hi I got mine in mexicali verly started I’m 140 I have 4 days taking the pill I have headache and some blurryness is it normal?

    • Erika

      I just feel tired all the time super sleepy but did not eat anything for the first 5 hours. Normal?

    • Anonymous

      Can you cut the Acxion tablet in half?



    • Anonymous

      Lucy I have been using this pill for 4 days but I’m scare to have a hearth problem but I’m healthy so far I have a dry mouth and a wear feeling like light head may be I can take it every other day please help

  • I'm happy still a lot more to go
    Lori Gonzalez (Verified Purchase)

    I’m not going lie but I have been taking this pills for a week and I exercise and control what I eat and I have seen results I have lost a total of 5 lbs and I’m happy still a lot more to go .

  • A girl selling on FB @50$, price ok?

    There is a girl selling them for 50 on fb is that a good price ?

    • julie

      Who is selling them on fb? I would like to buy some,50 is not bad at all!!!!

      • Your Name

        I paid $20 for 30 pills/30mg each in Progress. $50 is expensive.

      • Your Name

        Please share info on who is selling them on fb. Would like 3 boxes.

      • Your Name

        What is the girls name?

    • Your Name

      Absolutely not 50$ is WAY too much they only sell for 20$

      • liz

        I been taking those pills and yes they’re good at suppressing appetite but they give me depression, lethargy, anxiety, i get agressive and my chest starts feeling heavy. So basically i get every negative side effect. They did work for me and everyone else I heard has taken them. I did get them in mexico for 40 but now that I saw that they’re 20 in progresso I’ll be going to that side of mexico instead.

      • Your Name

        Liz what is progreso a store or what

      • Anonymous

        Hi I live in Dallas Texas if somebody have acxion

      • Kristy

        Honestly $50 is cheap . Yes some find it cheaper others don’t . A lot of pharmacy’s in Mexico May sale it without prescription so that’s in issue I’m not risking anything . I couldn’t find it cheaper . I got the prescription in order to cross the border so $20 seems a bit unreasonable personally

      • Karen garcia

        I pay 60 for them 😏 but been helping way to much .. in 3 weeks I lost 6 pounds ..

        • Reyna

          6lbs in 3 weeks seems too slow, no?

          • Anonymous

            Yes it is very slow I lost 11 pounds in 6 days

  • $50 in McAllen,Pharr

    $50 in McAllen,Pharr

    • Your Name

      Please email me. I would like to purchase axccion pills.

    • Your Name

      please send me info, I will be happy to pay 100.00 im desperate to lose weight

      • Anonymous

        They worl i been taking them for 3 months and lost 2 pant sizes i was size 9 now i fit into a 5

        • Anonymous

          Have you been taking them 3 months non stop?

    • C Perez

      Do I need an Rx , to have them shipped to me?

  • Any side affect while pregnant?
    Paula (Verified Purchase)

    I had conceived on 10/28/14 and took the after pill the following day. I just found out I am 4 weeks pregnant and I have been taking action for a month… I am concerned if this will affect my baby?

    • erika

      do not use diet prescription pills while pregnant!!!!

  • I Have some and can ship by mail

    I Have some and can ship by mail

    • mayra

      Do u still have the pills ?

    • anna

      Do you still have them

    • trazyj

      I’ll take em

    • Jomike

      I would like to buy some pills

    • Lynn

      Please, I would like to buy some also. Thank you.

    • Dino

      I would like to purchase some acxion, I am 100lbs overweight and trying to lose, but my appetite is so strong please let me know thak you

    • Karina

      Where I can get them? Donde las puedo comprar?

      • Adrian (Editor)

        Hello Karina. For product ordering inquiries or sales locations, please refer to the acxion official website for more information.

  • Lydia

    I jst started acxion how long before i can see results

    • Adrian (Editor)

      Hi Lydia. All dieters have different weight loss results. Some users loose weight faster/slower than others.

  • Where can I buy the product?
    Ana (Verified Purchase)

    Hi i have been taking them for a month an lost 20 pounds i need some more i gained 75 pounds after my 2 pregnancies and its been really hard to lose weight hard!they do work but you have to change the way you eat and at least some kind of exercise the do give you dry mouth bad and you need to drink lots of water if anyone knows where to buy them in Phoenix please let me know.

    • Elle

      @Ana check Offer Up for people selling Acxion in Phoenix

  • JOYCE WINSTON (Verified Purchase)


  • Intense hot flushes
    Natalie (Verified Purchase)

    I’m on day 3 of acxion, I upped my dosage from 15 mg to 30 mg today and have been experiencing some pretty hectic hot flushes. Not sure whether this is normal and just something I have to ride out or not? In conjunction with this side effect I’ve also had shaky hands and feel high. I definitely do not have any appetite and have had to force myself eat.

    • Victoria (Editor)

      Hi Natalie! We have read that other users have experienced similar side effects, so it’s best to consult with your doctor before taking Acxion again.

      • maria

        i have some too i only take half and i like the feeling i am more alert and i can walk 5 miles with no problem i love it and i have some for 50$

        • Anonymous

          Hi Maria we’re do you stay

        • Star Alexander

          Hey do you ship ??

    • Anonymous

      You are supposed to take half of it only, if you take the whole pill you feel nauseous,dizzy,headaches.

      • Anonymous

        Today was my first day and I took 1 pill and I feel dizzy and nauseous

  • Worked for me
    Luis (Verified Purchase)

    Acxion worked for me, when I got married I weight 165 , after 6 years I was at 190, I worked out for 1 year and couldn’t lose weight, I started to take axction and I lost 25 pounds I am back to 165 , but I do workout 3 times a week , I only eat very light breakfast or just milk and a healthy lunch and not much of a dinner it suppresses your appetite, it worked for me it did give him energy , feels like caffeine, you do have to stop eating if you want to lose weight

    • J

      I know it’s 1xday but how long are you taking them? I know you can only take them for so long and give your body a break before taking them again.

      • Anonymous

        3 mos and then stop.

    • Angélica

      Did you take half of pill or the whole pill? How long did you take these pills for? How long did it take you to lose 25 pounds?

      • Susan

        First timers , It is best to take a quarter of a pill , (cut it into 4 small pieces) for the first 4 days and then after that switch to only take half of the pill , if that does the job then stick to it. After a few weeks If you feel like the half is not enough then you try taking a whole pill and see how you do. For the first week I would use melatonin to try and sleep because you will toss around at night for first few days then you get used to it. Drink your water! eat a low carb diet but do not skip meals, even if you don’t feel hungry. You are able to handle smaller portions on this pill. Make sure to have some protein to avoid headaches and nausea. After a week of eating good and lighter, Dedicate an hour of your day to house cleaning or working out, or 30 minutes to walking. This pill can make you moody after a while so be aware of your attitude and patience. Do not take it later than 8 am. I’m two weeks in and down 8lbs.

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