BodyTite Review - 10 Things You Need to Know
Recently, after hearing the name floating around, our curiosity was piqued by BodyTite. It’s a kind of liposuction that uses radiofrequency to help melt fat cells, so they can be removed from the body without the need for major surgery. In fact, the makers of BodyTite call it “minimally invasive” and say it’s safe.
From there, we looked at clinical research to determine if BodyTite works. We also looked at possible side effects and the recovery time after the procedure. Then, we condensed all of the information into this report that tells you exactly what you need to know before you schedule a BodyTite procedure.
What is BodyTite?
BodyTite is a tool used for performing radiofrequency assisted liposuction. It’s for people who want to get rid of fat in specific areas of their bodies. Not only does it suck out fat like traditional liposuction, but it is also supposed to melt fat tissue and work with blood vessels to achieve a smoother, tighter look. It is useful for tightening up any area of the body that has excess fat, including:
- Arms
- Thighs
- Hips
- Abdomen
- Neck
- Knees
- Buttocks
BodyTite isn’t something you can use on your own. It requires that you see a doctor who is trained to use the device and can perform the procedure safely. Talking about safety, let’s take a little look at the science on liposuction.
- Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – “… liposuction has become the most popular cosmetic procedure in the world since its introduction in the 1980s.”
- Annals of Medicine and Surgery – Over the last four decades, the technology advancements have made liposuction safer and more effective than ever.
- Aesthetic Surgery Journal – But, there is still some risk involved, as with any invasive procedure. “Liposuction performed alone is a safe procedure with a low risk of major complications. Combined procedures, especially on obese or older individuals, can significantly increase complication rates.”
BodyTite Competitors
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How Does Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuction Work?
Radiofrequency assisted liposuction is a combination of radiofrequency therapy and liposuction, according to Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that a doctor performs while the patient is under general anesthesia. It is not for weight loss, but to help people get rid of deposits of fat from specific areas of the body, though it can be used in obese patients, per Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
The procedure can take up to four hours to complete. Once you are under anesthesia, the surgeon will insert a tube under the skin to suck out fat cells. Although liposuction removes fat cells, it is not a weight-loss procedure. To get liposuction, you usually have to be within about 30% of the ideal weight for your height and frame. Also, your skin has to be elastic enough to withstand the procedure and snap back into place.
Even though liposuction removes fat cells, it’s still possible to gain weight after the procedure. If you don’t lead a healthy lifestyle, the remaining cells can expand and cause you to be overweight.
With BodyTite, the surgeon still inserts a tube under the skin to remove fat cells and uses electrodes to deliver radiofrequency energy to the area, according to Medical Devices: Evidence and Research. The energy supposedly heats the adipose tissue, causing them to liquefy. Proponents of BodyTite say this makes the tissue easier to remove.
Radiofrequency, as you may have guessed, is radio waves. There isn’t a standardized definition of radio frequency, so depending on the source you’re viewing, the upper and lower limits of the range vary.
Radiofrequency applied to the skin usually doesn’t cause pain the way an electrical current might. That’s because of the direction of the current changes too fast to trigger the nerves to feel pain. Although it isn’t painful, radiofrequency can still cause burns and internal injuries.
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BodyTite Company Bio
BodyTite is manufactured by InMode, in Lake Forest, CA. They make various devices, which they call “workstations” for physicians to carry out specific procedures. They specialize in creating products that use energy to achieve aesthetic results.
Other devices from InMode include:
- Vtone
- Accutite
- Bodyfx
- DiolazeXL
- Empowerrf
- Facetite
- Forma
- Fractora
- FormaV
- Lumecca
- Minifx
- Morpheus8v
- Morpheus8
- Tite on Evolvex
- Tone on Evolvex
- Transform on Evolvex
- Trim on Evolve
- Triton Duo Dark
- Triton Duo Light
- Vasculaze
Unfortunately, the official InMode website doesn’t provide any information about the history of the company. They also have a file on the Better Business Bureau (BBB) website without accreditation. They are rated “A+” and have 3 customer reviews as of May 2022. The lack of information about the company’s background is unfortunate since we prefer to see a company with a long history of successful products.
What are the BodyTite Benefits?
Having a BodyTite supposedly offers several benefits over traditional liposuction. Some of the BodyTite benefits are:
- No large incisions
- Smoother looking results
- Better contraction of skin
- Does not require general anesthesia
- Quicker recovery
According to Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, this device can tighten skin.
Does BodyTite Work?
The makers of BodyTite are quick to point out that their device is approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best or most effective option for fat removal. To find out just what kind of BodyTite results you can expect, our research team took a look at the clinical evidence that is available concerning radiofrequency assisted liposuction.
One study published in the journal PRS Global Open looked at the results of the procedure on 55 patients. The participants were an average age of 51 and had around 30 mL of fat aspirated from their neck and face.
Each participant completed a customer satisfaction survey. Also, two independent plastic surgeons examined photographs taken of the participants before surgery and six months afterward. They evaluated the results based on the quality of the contour and the tightness of the skin.
The patients rated the procedure as follows:
- 20% were pleased with the results.
- 42% said the results were good.
- 23% were satisfied.
- 15% said they saw no change or were unhappy with the results. About half of them went on to have neck lifts within 4 to 8 months.
- Based on the results, the researchers determined that the procedure was effective in “appropriately selected patients.”
Although most of the people involved in this study were satisfied, the results indicate that BodyTite might not be for everyone. And, since it’s unlikely that you’ll find a plastic surgeon with a money-back guarantee, do you want to risk paying thousands of dollars for low or no results?
A review in Endocrinology & Metabolism supports the idea that radiofrequency might not be effective for everyone. After examining available literature on several non-invasive fat removal procedures, the scientists came to a conclusion. “The reported effects of such devices were mild to moderate, and the mentioned methods have little or no effect on body weight reduction and a total percentage of body fat.”
Our research team did find some studies that used the BodyTite device that showed it was safe and effective. The problem with the studies is that they were all funded by the makers of the device. Or involved people who were acting as consultants for the maker. That means they had a reason to look for positive results and may not have been objective. For that reason, we prefer to look at studies conducted by researchers who have no ties to the company.
Potential BodyTite Side Effects
The makers of BodyTite say that one of the benefits of radiofrequency assisted liposuction is that it is safe because it avoids the risks of general anesthesia. That may be true, but that doesn’t mean there are no BodyTite side effects or risks.
Let’s start with the potential side effects. After a BodyTite procedure, you may experience:
- Temporarily uneven skin
- Bruising
- Swelling
- Redness
- Sensitivity
Additionally, some participants in the PRS Global Open study also experienced burns and seromas, which are pockets of fluid that sometimes appear after surgery. Though not life-threatening, seromas may take years to go away and sometimes result in hardened areas of tissue.
BodyTite Recovery
According to the websites of several plastic surgeons who offer BodyTite, the recovery period is minimal. After the procedure, you will need a ride home from the clinic as driving may not be safe, and walking could be painful. You may also need a couple of days off work, but doctors say that most people can return to work within two days of having BodyTite liposuction.
Your bank account may need a little longer to recover, though. According to several user reviews posted on the Internet, BodyTite costs about $8,500.
BodyTite vs. CoolSculpting
BodyTite and CoolSculpting offer ways to rid the body of fat cells, but the methods are very different. BodyTite involves melting fat cells with radiofrequency and then sucking them out of the body.
CoolSculpting uses a tool that freezes fat cells. However, there’s no need to make an incision to remove the cells. Instead, the freezing causes the cells to die, and the body eventually breaks them down and flushes them out.
Like BodyTite, CoolSculpting doesn’t offer significant results in fat loss. Most people who undergo CoolSculpting eliminate only around 25 percent of the fat cells in the target area.
What Users Are Saying
“Obsessed with the results already. At 7WPO, I have a great shape now and no more excess fat on my sides and no more hip dips! It all looks so natural which is exactly what I wanted.”
“Very frustrating, I have lumps and bumps at 7 weeks. Spent hundreds so far on massages. Doc says it will continue to improve, I don’t see it. Regretting this so far. Shape is good but skin is not. Still wearing my compression garment 24/7.”
“I am so excited with the changes I am seeing. The holidays haven’t helped much when it comes to trying to lose weight. I have zero pain, but some areas are still really hard (lumpy) and numb. I know I’m going to be 100% satisfied once I start to workout and eat healthy.”
Bottom Line on BodyTite
Is it time to pick up the phone and schedule an appointment with a plastic surgeon for BodyTite? We do like that BodyTite rids the body of some fat cells and is less traumatic than traditional liposuction. However, we certainly have some reservations, such as BodyTite only works well for people who are near their target weight already and who have skin elastic enough to bounce back from the procedure, and the BodyTite cost is quite high.
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Anomamous (Verified Purchase)
I had BodyTite on my neck, which was touted to me as a “wonderful new procedure” by the Plastic Surgeon. I ended up with Two third degree burns, one on each side of the center of the neck. I was told, oh, it got a little too hot. It took extensive stitches and healing time to close the deep holes, and I am now left with two ugly circular scars (the imprint of the circular round piece) on my neck.
It had been 11/2 since my bodytite procedure and I have same experience as Rose below, looks awful, lots of swelling, hardness, rippling and unevenness. None of which had or can be fixed according to 3 board plastic surgeons I saw. One last note, this procedure was performed by a board certified plastic surgeon.
Rose (Verified Purchase)
I did bodytite abdomen and now look worse! I am thin but wanted to tighten skin and now i ended up with lumps under skin they are hard at touch and you can see the unevenness of the abdomen before it look even and my belly button looks horrible I had a better one before so upset
This is the worst thing I have ever done. I had Bodytite on my thighs, no Lipo., over a year ago. I still have purple marks everywhere the cannula entered. After seeing the doctor 8 months , he said give it a year. I did. No difference. I was told he could do laser, but it may not work, also he could cut and stitch. Dah. Why would anyone do that? And have scars from that. I am so desperate . I just don’t know what to do.
Meg (Verified Purchase)
I’ve had Body Tite on my neck, and I’m satisfied, my neck skin is a bit loose but I was 65 when it was done. I did experience numbness locally for several weeks. I had Body Tite on my abdomen and I’m very satisfied with the results. I experienced numbness in the abdominal area for a few months. I had Body Tite on my upper arms and the jury is still out on my satisfaction. I still have numbness of the forearms 5 weeks post procedure. I am disappointed in that I have ulcer nerve palsy in my left hand and it is very painful, necessitating pain meds daily still. The nerve was probably aggravated during the procedure, it is a burning, tingly and sharp pains in my left hand. My research says it may resolve 6-12 weeks. I hope it resolves favorably, sooner than later. 4 star rating for my neck and abdomen. At this point 2 star for upper arms, I realize that I need to wait 3-6 months for full effect, but the nerve aggravation and hyper sensitivity is the reason for the low rating. I’ll amend this review in 5 months.
Sue (Verified Purchase)
Severe burning on undersides of upper arms. Very painful. No clothing can touch the affected area. Very dissatisfied
Hi Sue,
Please make sure to contact your physician if you continue to experience side effects with this product
I had severe burns on the neck from the procedure.