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Danish Diet Review - 16 Things You Need to Know

We love reviewing wildly popular eating plans, such as the Danish Diet. We looked closely at the ingredients, side effects, and clinical research. Furthermore, we examined hundreds of user reviews to get their side of the story. At this point, we compiled the facts to give you the info you need.

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What is the Danish Diet?

According to a study performed by Aarhus University, the Danish diet also is known as The Copenhagen hospital diet. It is an extreme diet set up to ensure a rapid weight loss of approximately 22 pounds in just under two weeks. The Danish diet idea was to help people lose weight as quickly as possible, especially to get them ready for an operation if they were obese.

For this reason, it was also known as the Danish hospital diet. It can be dangerous to operate on people who are very overweight, so the diet was devised for quick weight loss. Today we know that extreme dieting is extremely dangerous. Although the Danish Diet plan did include healthy foods, it was a very hectic way to lose weight.

The actual Danish Diet meal plan does get sold online via their website. Today, it is pretty similar to the Banting diet, which is all about high protein and no carbs and no sugar. The Danish Diet is a tough diet to follow, and it did result in quick weight loss, especially if you look at the Danish diet before and after photographs.

Doctors today would be doubtful to recommend the Danish diet or suggest you follow a Danish diet menu because of the extremity. It is sometimes necessary to lose weight very quickly, but extreme diets are thought to be dangerous, and this is what some of the research says about this kind of diet:

  • NutrientsThe Danish Diet is often lacking in iodine and vitamin D, meaning it may not be a good meal plan to follow long term.
  • Journal of Proteome Research: When compared to the New Nordic Diet, the average Danish Diet is lacking in long-term weight-loss effects.
  • The British Journal of NutritionGradual weight loss may be better for weight loss maintenance when compared to rapid weight loss methods.

danish diet benefit

Danish Diet Competitors

Blackstone Labs
Beyond Raw LIT

Do Extreme Diets Work?

Yes, people lose weight quickly on an extreme diet like the Danish diet, but it is tough to keep the weight off. Almost everyone who does a strict diet will put the weight back on immediately.

For that reason, no extreme diet is recommended unless the person is obese and needs to lose weight for an operation that is deemed necessary. The 13-day Danish diet program worked, which is why there is so much written about it, but…is it healthy? Medical doctors would say absolutely not.

How Did the Danish Diet Start?

It started in Copenhagen a few decades ago, and although it is unclear how or where it was first started, or who devised it, it became known as the Danish diet hospital plan. Therefore, it is thought that it was started perhaps by a medical doctor, though today, medical doctors know much better to help a patient lose weight. Of course, anyone could have started it. It is all about extreme weight loss, and it is essential to be in good shape, but it is vital to lose that weight in a healthy and balanced way. The Danish diet is sold for $14 in 2011.

We know that fad diets like The Danish Diet can be dangerous, as the menu included lean beef, eggs, coffee, and lettuce. You can look online to see what else was included, but it was all about no sugar, no carbohydrates, and no fat. Too much protein can be bad for you, your cholesterol, and your heart, according to research in ISRN Nutrition, but the 13-day Danish diet was all about high protein, no fat, no sugar, no carbs, and ensured you would lose 22 pounds in 13 days. It went as far as saying no chewing gum and was exceptionally rigid.

danish diet background

Is the Danish Diet Considered to be a Starvation Diet?

No, because people can still eat on the Danish diet, the amount of food was well monitored. Calories per day were 600, which is not enough to give anyone the right minerals, nutrients, and vitamins, let alone enough protein or good fats. Today, we know that there are good fats that must be included in a diet to help weight loss, according to the Nutrition Journal and Cochrane Library.

It’s also known as The Copenhagen Diet and the Royal Danish Hospital Diet.


Danish Diet Claims

The Danish Diet or the Royal Danish diet claims that the dieter will lose 22 pounds in 13 days. They would give an obvious food plan, mainly including lean beef, eggs, coffee, and lettuce or spinach. We imagine it included any leafy green vegetables.

This is an extreme diet, and so anyone who does it will lose weight. The claims then of extreme weight loss in a short period are true. But the health benefits are minimal unless the person is obese. Even then, an extreme diet is dangerous, and so while the Danish diet comes with a strict plan and menu, the risks are incredibly high.

Does It Work?

The Danish diet before and after photographs will show that the weight loss program works, but if you are having thoughts of doing this diet, only do it under the intense supervision of a doctor or dietician.

You should never do such extreme eating unless you are told to by a doctor. The Danish diet side effects are extreme too. Eating so little means that your body would have no energy, your sugar levels would fly all over the place, and the Danish diet results might work short-term, but cannot work long-term.

So while you will lose weight when you follow a rigorous dieting regimen such as this one, and The Danish Diet is far beyond extreme, you will put the weight back on again, and you will feel worse than when you started.


Danish Diet Ingredients

There are far too many restrictions on the Danish Diet menu, which is comprised of minimal ingredients. The idea behind the menu is that you hardly eat anything at all. To have just 600 calories a day is insane! A little coffee, a little tea, some lean meat, some lettuce–insane indeed. Lettuce hardly contains any calories, and it doesn’t exactly fill you up or give you energy. If you are a vegetarian, then you must stick with only green leafy vegetables, tea, and coffee.

Also, the idea of having coffee on a diet is rather strange, as it is a stimulant and so will give you the jitters and the shakes, especially when you are drinking a lot of it without food. It may well burn some fat, but the Danish diet’s copious side effects make that idea of fat loss not very desirable.

Before and after photographs are proof of fat loss, albeit not exactly proof of safe weight loss, and they don’t show all the weight that the dieter would have put back on when they started eating normally again.

Here is the Danish Diet Shopping List:

  • Lean Meat
  • Lettuce or spinach
  • Eggs
  • Coffee or tea

The Danish diet is not the only insane and extreme weight loss diet programme on the market: there are many. Each one is as dangerous as the next. We know that to lose weight, you need to do it slowly, carefully, and still have a wide range of foods that will give you the protein, dairy, vitamins, nutrients, and minerals your body needs to work well together.

The typical Danish diet would be an egg for breakfast, lean meat, and lettuce for supper, and lean meat, and lettuce for dinner, with plenty of coffee and lots of water in between. This can be incredibly boring, as well as straight-up exhausting! Sure, you will lose weight, but your muscles will start to disintegrate, and your brain will experience a decline in functionality.

As you go further into the diet, the ingredients do change. You start off with the lettuce, eggs, and lean meat, and gradually introduce other vegetables, some toast, and fish.

danish diet ingredient

Danish diet ingredients therefore include:

  • Lettuce, spinach, or any green leafy vegetables
  • Lean Meat
  • Coffee
  • Eggs

And as time goes on:

  • Whitefish
  • Carrots
  • Tomatoes
  • Beans

It is an inadequate diet!

Benefits & Results

Danish Diet Benefits and Results

The Danish Diet says that if you consume 600 calories a day, you will lose weight, although that’s mainly because there is almost no food going into your body. So while the Danish diet results may well be good initially, the long-term effects are not worth it. You can land up having kidney problems, bowel issues, and a wide range of other health conditions associated with extreme dieting.

Won’t I feel great if I do the Danish Diet?

Truthfully, when you starve yourself due to little food consumption, you feel hungry, weak, and irritable. That begs the question: is extreme dieting worth it?

Should I exercise at the same time as doing the Danish Diet?

If you do The Danish diet, you won’t have the energy to exercise as well. Any decent weight loss comes from a healthy eating program and a good exercise regime. If you exercise while following the Danish diet menu, you will probably faint or pass out or get ill. Your body just won’t have the energy to do anything!

Are the results of the Danish Diet quick?

Yes, the results from the Danish diet are quick because, basically, you are starving yourself. Don’t ever starve yourself! Diet and weight loss need to be done sensibly, and weight loss should be slow. The slower the weight loss, the more it will stay off permanently. When you do an extreme diet, such as the Danish diet, you will lose weight quickly, but you will put it on just as quickly, and you will probably put on more weight. Instead, don’t go for quick weight loss–go for steady weight loss.

danish diet results

Details on Danish Diet

We have spoken about how the Danish diet has a rigorous eating plan, and how the Danish diet menu consists only of lean meat, eggs, lettuce or leafy greens, and coffee. It is an unbalanced diet and an extreme diet, and while you will lose weight quickly, you will never keep the weight off. Plus, you will more than likely develop health problems from the diet. You will feel weak and irritable, you will not have any strength, and you won’t be thinking clearly either.

The details of the Danish diet menu can be found online. It is an unhealthy menu in that you are severely starving your body of all the good foods that it needs for optimal function. Instead, you should consume nutrient-rich foods, follow a healthy eating plan, consult a dietician, and take a weight-loss supplement that is recommended and well-reputable. The 13-day Danish diet may assure you of weight loss, and you will lose weight if you follow it, but such results are not long-term and will be at the cost of your overall well-being. Plus, the total damage you can do to your body is just not worth it. The Danish diet results can be found online, where you can additionally read reviews, and you will see that people lost weight quickly, but almost everyone says they put the weight back on immediately after.

What Do Dietitians Think of the Danish Diet?

Take any Danish diet reviews online with a pinch of salt. No nutritionist or dietician will tell you that you need less than 600 calories a day; rather, they would tell you about the dangers of the 13-day Danish diet. Diet and weight loss are something to be taken seriously. Eat well, drink lots of water, exercise well, cut out the sugars and carbohydrates, and diet sensibly for weight loss that stays off.


How to Follow the Danish Diet

You get the 13-day Danish Diet, and you follow, day by day, the Danish Diet menu and Danish Diet meal plan. The menu is incredibly limited. You have your three meals per day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with coffee and a lot of water in between. The Danish diet does not include any weight loss supplement. Still, it is an extreme diet where the dieter will be hungry, miserable, irritable, and probably suffer from a severe lack of energy and also headaches and nausea. If you do the Danish diet, you should do it under the strict supervision of a doctor or dietician.

Even if you need or desire to lose a lot of weight, never do any extreme dieting, unless you have been told by a healthcare professional, according to the Indian Journal of Medical Research. Instead, eat a well-balanced menu every single day that includes protein, fruit and vegetables, good fats, and plenty of leafy greens. The Danish Diet has so many good reviews online. But, if someone recommends The Danish diet, do your research first. Read the Danish diet reviews and do not be mislead by the Danish diet before and after pics.

They show you immediately afterward when the person will have lost weight, but they do not show you the pics a week or so later when the person has picked up all the weight, plus more. The Danish diet or any extreme diet really should only be done if you are obese, and a doctor has told you to do it and then monitors you while you do it.
Remember, not everyone has reviewed the Danish Diet honestly, as they have not spoken about their health issues or that they put all the weight back on.

Side Effects

Potential Danish Diet Side Effects

Any extreme dieting is going to cause side effects, according to the Annual Review of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition ESPEN. With the Danish Diet, the side effects can be life-lasting or even life-threatening. A strict diet is not good for the kidneys or the bowels, and starvation can result in brain damage too. To mention here are some of the side effects of the Danish diet:

  • Lack of energy
  • Stress
  • Headaches
  • Nervousness
  • Nausea
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Deficiencies
  • Hunger
  • Illness
  • Kidney problems
  • Bowel problems
  • Liver problems
  • General malaise

danish diet side effects nausea

Product Warnings

Danish Diet Product Warnings

Because the Danish diet is not exactly a product, there are no product warnings. However, all the warnings are those that we have given you above. Extreme diets are dangerous. Strict diets are not good for your health. In fact, nobody should do an extreme diet, as they can result in overall health problems, long-term health problems, and eating disorders.

No baby or child should EVER do an extreme diet, nor should they divulge in the Danish diet menu or Danish diet eating plan. Everyone needs to have a balanced diet with the right mix of protein, good fats, dairy, minerals, vitamins, and nutrients, as well as participate in a steady exercise regimen.


If you are going to do an extreme diet, make sure you consult a dietician or nutritionist and do it under their supervision all the time. But we feel the product warning should be not to do any extreme dieting and do not follow the Danish Diet meal plan.

Keep in mind that there’s no scientific data to support the claims or safety of this product.

Any Danish Diet Lawsuits?

There would be nobody to sue with The Danish Diet as there is no manufacturer as such. We have, therefore, not found any lawsuits. If your dietician put you on a Danish Diet meal plan for any reason, you could perhaps have an issue with them if things go wrong.

Danish Diet Alternatives

The best alternative to The Danish Diet and the best way to avoid its side effects would be never to participate in it or any kind of extreme dieting. You can follow a healthy eating plan, drink lots of water, perform regular exercise and, if you are overweight, take a weight loss supplement that is not dangerous but instead natural and will help you get towards healthy eating and a new way of life. These are some of the supplements or weight loss supplements that people do take with a healthy eating program to lose weight.

Bottom Line

The Bottom Line on the Danish Diet

Well now: does this one offer anything new for dieters? It’s not a secret that reducing your daily caloric intake helps you lose weight. Most people are aware of this. Basically, this is what the Danish Diet relies on. However, when you consider this plan’s restriction, we have reservations about giving the green light. Plus, this is not good for the long run because it only lasts for 13 days. So, you’re very likely to gain weight once you go back to a regular diet.

If you’d like to see more drastic weight-loss results and a trimmer figure, we encourage you to try out a diet program that supplies enough calories and nutrition to keep you healthy while helping you lose weight. You can pair that plan with a clinically tested supplement with solid customer support.

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Danish Diet Review
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Danish Diet

Is the Danish Diet a starvation diet?

No, because people can still eat on the Danish diet, the amount of food was well monitored. However, the calorie intake per day was only 600, which is not enough to provide adequate minerals, nutrients, and vitamins, let alone protein or good fats.

How much weight can you lose on the Danish Diet?

The Danish Diet claims that the dieter will lose 22 pounds in 13 days.

Is the Danish Diet effective for weight loss?

Yes, the Danish Diet is effective for weight loss in the short-term, but the health benefits are minimal unless the person is obese.

What are some of the side effects of the Danish Diet?

The side effects of the Danish Diet can be life-lasting or even life-threatening and include lack of energy, stress, headaches, nervousness, nausea, muscle aches and pains, deficiencies, hunger, illness, kidney problems, bowel problems, liver problems, and general malaise.

What foods are included in the Danish Diet?

The Danish Diet includes lean beef, eggs, coffee, and lettuce or spinach, and possibly other leafy green vegetables.

Does the Danish Diet work?

There’s no published clinical research proving the Danish Diet will help you lose weight. Taking a look at the program, there’s a possibility of weight-loss because of the calorie restrictions, but this isn’t proven.

Are there any risks associated with the Danish Diet?

Yes, the risks of the Danish Diet are incredibly high. Eating so little can cause extreme side effects such as lack of energy, stress, headaches, nervousness, nausea, muscle aches and pains, deficiencies, hunger, illness, kidney problems, bowel problems, liver problems, and general malaise.

How much does the Danish Diet cost?

The cost of the Danish Diet is simply the price of menu items. If you currently have those items in your pantry, there’s no additional cost.

How should I follow the Danish Diet?

You should follow the Danish Diet for 13 days. There’s information stating that after completing the program, you shouldn’t use for another two years.

Is the Danish Diet good for you?

Recent studies have suggested that the Danish Diet could be beneficial for health. It is based on a Mediterranean-style diet and emphasizes consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. It also advocates limiting processed foods, refined sugars, and saturated fats while including moderate amounts of alcohol. Research has shown that following this type of diet can help reduce risk factors for certain diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

Can I substitute foods on the Danish Diet?

No, you can’t substitute foods on the Danish Diet. According to the plan, you have to follow each step exactly as directed.

Will I need to exercise on the Danish Diet?

No, you don’t need to exercise on the Danish Diet. Looking at the caloric intake, there’s a chance you won’t consume enough calories to support adding fitness.

Does the Danish Diet come with a guarantee?

There’s no guarantee with the Danish Diet.

Consuming a small amount of calories on the Danish Diet is a way to drop the pounds, but consider a supplement like Dietspotlight Burn, which contains some clinically-tested ingredients, shown to work and doesn’t require strict food guidelines.

143 Danish Diet Reviews

  • Suggest replacements

    Hi, Guys.. can some1 please help me with the vegan version of this diet.. since i cant eat beef or ham or fish 🙁 please suggest replacements..

    • Anonymous

      This is NOT a diet for vegetarians or vegans. Nothing can be replaced or changed for something else

  • Am I losing enough?
    Anonymous (Verified Purchase)

    I ate around 25gms of cheese on the fourth day because one version of the diet said I should eat 250 gms while another version has cottage cheese on day eleven. Am confused with the variations. Will this effect my weight loss?Also I have lost only one and half kgs in three days.Am I losing enough?

  • Need to cook meals to be effective
    maryam Dadkhah (Verified Purchase)

    yes … im doing it and i just completed day 2. i’m afraid to weight myself coz i don wanna be discouraged by comparing my weight loss with others incase i didn’t lose any. the hardest thing about this diet is the fact that i have to cook 2 meals a day sometimes n when i’m outside with friends i don trust the resturant’s way of cooking for my diet.. so in this 2 days i had my dinner very late at night ( thats what i normally never do) so now although im really tired i trying to stay awake atleast 2 more hours.
    i also replaced Ham with lamb thigh meat since pork is forbidden in kuwait. that’s why i’m afraid my results won’t be the same.

  • Other people using this?
    Roxxy (Verified Purchase)

    Hey people.I started the diet on Monday.It is trully challenging!!!The hardest thing i’ve done in a while.i’m on day 3:)so far it hasn’t been that bad.Haven’t felt really hungry.Though been really tempted to break twice and all i’m thinking about is some ice cream.I’ve enjoyed the steak.I feel like its affecting my breath though?Is anyone else currently doing this?we could give each other moral support?

  • Replace boiled eggs?
    Anonymous (Verified Purchase)

    is it importannt to eat all the boiles eggs can i replace them or omitt them ?

  • Mix product ingredients

    i save my spoon of sugar for my yogurt and mix my oj and yogurt. i don’t like plain yogurt.

  • Looking for replacement

    I need to know what i can replace the ham with .

    • our Name

      ME TOO !! Turkey ham perhaps?

  • Suddenly dropping more on the 2nd week
    Chantel (Verified Purchase)

    I’ve only lost 4kg in the first week. Do you suddenly drop more in the second week?

    • Anonymous

      4kg is almost 9lbs you’re doing great!

  • Can i still smoke

    i dont do yogurd and tell me something can i put any spice on the steak ect?Can i still smoke? so what can i use in place of the yogurd? also what on toast and is this white or brown bread/ Help!!! as i need to loose alot of 13lb

  • I am seeing results,8 pounds so far
    Da (Verified Purchase)

    I am on Day 4 of the diet and going strong. I am not going to lie this diet is a real test of self control, however i am seeing results,8 pounds so far! most days are not that bad but today i feel light headed and hungry with nothing to look forward to but oj and cottage cheese! Good luck to those who try this diet!

    • Asta

      how is it going or how did it go?

  • like you would buy in the shops

    When they say you need to eat a celery, would that be just one stick or the whole celery bunch like you would buy in the shops?

    • Evelinaa

      You should get a celery root and boil. Good luck !

  • Replace
    Zaha (Verified Purchase)

    I dont like ham. can i replace it or skip it completely?

    • Esther

      No you cant eat everything

  • I lost 8 pounds with this diet.
    Pauline (Verified Purchase)

    I just completed the diet and lost 8 pounds, how long can I wait to repeat it

    • Anonymous

      2 yrs

  • I lost 20 pounds in two months.
    EM (Verified Purchase)

    My ex husband and i both tried this diet and we both lost weight, however i lost more then he did at 20 pounds and him only 18. I am not a coffee drinker so i did tea instead. and i dont like tomatoes so left those out completely instead of replacing them. EVERYTHING else was the same and it worked. its 2 weeks but when you are done you can’t just go back to what you did before as this is a “retraining”.. ONLY try this if you have the time. Good luck to all who try this diet.

    • Milian

      I skipped the tomato on the first day do you think it will effect my diet and should i quit?

    • louma

      Hi. There are so many variations to this diet. Which one did you follow?

      • Adrian (Editor)

        Hi! For detailed product and usage instructions, please refer to the Danish Diet official website for more information.

    • Chantelle

      How long did it stay off and what did you eat afterwards to maintain your weight?

  • I loved this diet!
    I tried this! (Verified Purchase)

    I loved this diet, it helped me lose 15 pounds over the 13 days, and then I continued to lose another 10-15 pounds over that summer! I recommend it to anyone who has the time and discipline to follow it

    • Anonymous

      did you feel lightheaded at all or like you were going to pass out?
      i want to start this diet but i feel like with such a low calorie intake i would feel very faint and energy-less

      • Daddy

        It left me light-headed.

    • Anonymous

      Did you continue with the diet or just eat healthy. I’ve lost 4.5 so far after just 2 days into my 2nd week. i feel great. But I also want to lose a bit more. So do i continue the diet or just stick to eating healthy, which I normally do. My weight gain was due to menopause, so i’m very happy to have been able to shed those few kilos

  • What can I eat instead of spinach?
    Ian Borg (Verified Purchase)

    What can I eat instead of spinach? Is lettuce ok?

    • SheilaE

      Ian,when I followed this diet in Kenya, we substituted spinach with organic Kale which is now readily available at waitrose. It worked just as well.

    • Anonymous

      i eat broccli not spinich i hate spinich. this is the second time om on this diet day three lost nine lbs

  • Instead of taking vegetables, could there be anything elsee??

    i want to know whether there is another substitue for taking vegetables as i have never eaten vegetables my whole life. so i was wondering instead of taking vegetables, could there be anything elsee?? thank you:)

    • makena

      out of curiousity, WHY?

  • what is celeriac?
    michele kinney

    what is celeriac?
    i am trying to follow this “danish diet “

    • E Yates

      Celeriac is celery root asopposed to celery stick available from sainsbury

  • Any dressing needed with it?
    Paul Kelly

    Can any dressing be put on the salads required? Sometimes it says lemon juice and oil, but sometimes it just says “lettuce salad” and dressing is not mentioned.

  • Can hertial hernia medication be taken while on the Danish metabolism diet?
    Killarney Jones

    Can hertial hernia medication be taken while on the Danish metabolism diet?

    • Beth

      no, you have to have to be in good health for this diet. No injuries or illnesses.

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